Welcome to the NSSE Data Portal. This resource provides instant access to data visualizations that allow for tailored, aggregated data queries on first-year and senior-year responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement.
Please use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to view this data portal. If you are using Safari, you will need to enable cookies on your device. For information on how to do this, please visit Apple Support.
Due to the sensitive nature of data provided here, we begin with some guidelines...
NSSE has human subjects review and approval (protocol #10179). All use of data must be conducted within the protections and structures set within that documentation. As such, we ask you to review this user agreement, and indicate your acceptance and agreement on each item before proceeding to the other sections of the website.
1. The NSSE Dashboards are intended only for use by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, college, and department leadership.
Do not share your password or your account access with others.
2. The purpose of the NSSE Dashboards is to provide visualizations for the NSSE Survey results that may be used to better understand and improve the student experience. This information may be used for program review, accreditation, program improvement and communication with key campus stakeholders.
All findings will be presented in aggregate. Data will only be provided when a minimum number of 10 survey responses are available in order to protect the confidentiality of survey respondents. You are welcome to filter the charts, hover over different chart elements to get more detail, but please note the response rates (number of respondents compared to number of graduates) for each of the chart elements. Be certain you are telling responsible stories with the data. If you need assistance interpreting your results, reach out to the Division of Management Information (dmi@illinois.edu). We're happy to help.
3. Data or information obtained via the NSSE Dashboards CANNOT be used for research purposes.
It is possible to use data and information from the NSSE Dashboards for research purposes; however, prior approval is required with an amendment to the NSSE IRB and review by the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects. Inquiries about potential research projects must be directed to the NSSE RPI, Amy Edwards, at aledward@illinois.edu. Please note that our team is small and serves the entire campus. The number of research inquiries that we can handle is limited.
4. No individuals should respond to FOIA or similar direct requests from external sources using the data or information from the NSSE dashboards.
All Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests must be made to the Office of University Relations (https://www.uillinois.edu/foia). These requests are then forwarded to the Office of the Provost, which is well equipped to respond.
If an external source (e.g., employer, government representative) requests information on the NSSE survey beyond your regular available data, program improvement, or accreditation responsibilities, please direct them to the Division of Management Information at dmi@illinois.edu who can provide assistance.
Instructions: You can hover over elements in the chart below to view more information in a pop-up.
Off-campus users will need to have a VPN connection to view the dashboard.
"The new source of power is not more money into the hands of the few, but more information into the hands of many"
100A Swanlund, 601 East John Street
Champaign, IL 61820 MC-304
217/333-3551 | dmi@illinois.edu
© Copyright 2025 University of Illinois Board of Trustees