In this section:
Welcome to the homepage of the Chancellor’s Senior Survey. The Senior Survey is administered annually to all graduating undergraduate seniors at Illinois. The survey link is live from August 1st through May 15th and is available to both December and May graduates.
Survey components include:
Senior Survey Dashboard: Restricted to full-time faculty and staff.
Data from previous administrations of the Senior Survey can be reviewed on the interactive Senior Survey Dashboard. The Senior Survey Dashboard provides an interactive way for faculty and staff to review the survey results, allowing for the units to look at results by college, department, international student status, gender, race/ethnicity, and other demographics. Survey data will not populate when fewer than 10 responses are available. If you need help navigating the dashboard, please review the Senior Survey Dashboard Instructional Guide.
Click on the following link to view/download the survey instrument:
Graduating undergraduate seniors can click on the following link to complete the Senior Survey:
Some units encourage their students to complete the Senior Survey as part of their graduation registration process.
Students graduating in December will receive an official invitation to complete the survey on October 1st.
Students graduating in May will receive an official invitation to complete the survey on March 1st.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Linell Edwards or email
If you would like to promote the Chancellor’s Senior Survey to students in your unit, please click on the following link to access the promotional materials: